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New posts in nsdocument

Rename Document class in Swift document-based application

How to know when a Cocoa app is about to quit?

Access NSDocument from NSViewController and vice versa

Overwriting NSDocument's init(contentsOf:ofType:) in Swift

swift cocoa nsdocument

Looking to introduce tabs to document-based application, ideas?

Music convert and how to know if writing are completed

Suggested save name of an untitled NSDocument

macos cocoa nsdocument

How to check if an NSDocument has unsaved changes?

save nsdocument

How can you implement the NSDocument method -canCloseDocumentWithDelegate:shouldCloseSelector:contextInfo: in Swift?

Use ZIP-archives to store NSDocument data

Enable Automatic Lightweight Migration of Core Data on NSPersistentDocument

macos core-data nsdocument

Cocoa NSDocument: getting autosave to work

Create Subfolder in NSDocumentDirectory

Open any folder with NSDocument

How do you bind a storyboard view to a Core Data entity when using NSDocument?

How to read data from NSDocumentDirectory

iphone nsdocument

NSDocument architecture pros and cons

Prevent warning when NSDocument file is programmatically renamed

Export NSDocument in Mac app

macos cocoa nsdocument