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AFURLConnectionOperation.m Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'int64_t' (aka 'long long') to 'NSInteger' (aka 'int')

ios ios7 afnetworking

NSURLCache's removeCachedResponseForRequest has no effect

which is easy to use Afnetworking/Nsurlsession/Alamofire [closed]

AFNetworking: Append parameters as the query string for PUT request

ios afnetworking

Disk Backed Image Cache for UIImageView in AFNetworking

AFNetworking UIImageView need scroll to load the images

Does AFHTTPRequestOperationManager run requests on the operationQueue?

iOS how to deal with spaces or special characters passed to AFHTTPSessionManager GET method?

How to unit test api calls using AFNetworking

ios afnetworking kiwi

AFHTTPRequestOperation with self-signed SSL and HTTP Basic Auth (-1012 error)

ios ssl https afnetworking

Get the XML content with AFNetworking library

AFNetworking and Swift - Save json response

AFNetworking's AFHTTPClient how to debug the http request?

How to immediately force cancel an NSOperation with AFNetworking?

Passing parameter in url for GET method using afnetworking

How to map AfNetworking response object (JSON) to custom class?

ios json xcode5 afnetworking

Using AFJSONRequestOperation

Downloading large files with AFNetworking

What are the differences restkit vs afnetworking vs mknetworkkit vs nsurlconnection [closed]

AFNetworking 2.0: NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed: unacceptable content-type: text/html