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Passing parameter in url for GET method using afnetworking

i have url in which query is executed.

https://<BASE_URL>/<TENANT_URL>/?query=where UserName='abc'&companyId=&page=1&pageSize=25&filterResultByColumns=true

i am escaping the remaining part after tenant url like this,

 NSString *requestUrl = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/?query=where UserName='%@'&companyId=&page=1&pageSize=25&filterResultByColumns=true",<TENANT_URL>,userCredential.userName]stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

    requestUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",baseurl,requestUrl];

Here is my GET request.

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager];
        AFHTTPResponseSerializer *serializer = [AFHTTPResponseSerializer serializer];

            serializer.acceptableContentTypes = [NSSet setWithObject:@"application/json"];

        manager.responseSerializer = serializer;
        manager.requestSerializer = [AFJSONRequestSerializer serializer];
    NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",URL];

    [manager GET:path parameters:parameters success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
                    NSError* error = nil;
                    NSArray* json = [NSJSONSerialization

                     failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {

But i always getting a 400 Bad request error. I think problem is with "query=where ..". But i am not sure. How can i parse the URL. I tested with "POSTMAN" in Chrome. It works perfectly. But it throws me an error when i run the app.


Error Domain=AFNetworkingErrorDomain Code=-1011 "Request failed: bad request (400)" UserInfo=0xb7ac2b0 {NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://<BASE_URL>/<TENANT_URL>/?query=where UserName='abc'&companyId=&page=1&pageSize=25&filterResultByColumns=true&url=https%3A%2F%2F<BASE_URL>%2F%2F<TENANT_URL>%2F%3F?query=where%2DUserName%3D%27abc%27%26companyId%3D%26page%3D1%26pageSize%3D25%26filterResultByColumns%3Dtrue, AFNetworkingOperationFailingURLResponseErrorKey=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0xb7e6910> { URL: https://<BASE_URL>/<TENANT_URL>/?query=where UserName='abc'&companyId=&page=1&pageSize=25&filterResultByColumns=true&url=https%3A%2F%2F<BASE_URL>%2F%2F<TENANT_URL>%2F%3F?query=where%2DUserName%3D%27abc%27%26companyId%3D%26page%3D1%26pageSize%3D25%26filterResultByColumns%3Dtrue } { status code: 400, headers {
    "Cache-Control" = private;
    "Content-Length" = 0;
    "Content-Type" = "text/html";
    Date = "Fri, 17 Jan 2014 05:29:56 GMT";
    Server = "Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0";
    "X-AspNet-Version" = "4.0.30319";
    "X-Powered-By" = "ASP.NET";
} }, NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed: bad request (400)}
like image 361
iPhone Guy Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 02:12

iPhone Guy

1 Answers

It looks like there are a number of issues with the URL you're constructing, and the way you're passing (or not passing) parameters into AFNetworking. You don't need to construct your query string yourself, as AFNetworking will do that for you. As mentioned in my comment above, passing query=where UserName='abc' as part of a URL seems like a bad idea. However, here's a quick example of how you'd call AFNetworking's GET method if your URL was slightly different:

// URL format: https://<BASE_URL>/<TENANT_URL>/?username=abc&companyId=&page=1&pageSize=25&filterResultByColumns=true

NSURL *baseURL = [NSURL URLWithScheme:@"https" host:BASE_URL path:TENANT_URL];

[manager GET:[baseURL absoluteString] 
  parameters:@{ @"username": @"abc",
                @"companyId": @"example",
                @"page": @1,
                @"pageSize": @25,
                @"filterResultByColumns": @YES }
     success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
            // handle success
     failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
            // handle failure

If you pass your parameters into the GET method, AFNetworking will construct the query string for you.

like image 134
James Frost Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 00:02

James Frost