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iOS AVFoundation set exposure value, in EV units

Hi I'm building a scanning IOS app (BarCode and QRCode). I have a silder to adjust the exposure value (to make image brighter or darker depend on light condition. I'm using this to set the exposure value manually

captureDevice.setExposureTargetBias(slider.value, completionHandler: nil)

But my question is what is the min and max value of ExposureTargetBias so that we can set min and max value for slider accordingly?

Is this an appropriate way to adjust the brightness of image or there are another? (iOS).

like image 593
Lê Khánh Vinh Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 13:03

Lê Khánh Vinh

1 Answers

You can use captureDevice.minExposureTargetBias and captureDevice.maxExposureTargetBias for the min and max values of your slider.

like image 159
maxkonovalov Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 17:03
