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Playing audio while applying video filter in GPUImage

I've googled this question but did not find any solution.

So, my problem is, I'm applying video filter using GPUImage to a video file. At same time, sound of that video is not playing. I know that sound playing is not supported in GPUImage while applying filters.

So, how can I achieve that?

like image 463
Bharat Nakum Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 02:03

Bharat Nakum

1 Answers

You can achieve sound playing by adding support for AVPlayer like this.

  1. In GPUImageMovie.h,

    @property(readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL playSound;

  2. In GPUImageMovie.m, update @interface GPUImageMovie () like this.

    @interface GPUImageMovie() <AVPlayerItemOutputPullDelegate> 
        // Add this
        BOOL hasAudioTrack;
       // Add all below three lines
       AVPlayer *theAudioPlayer;
       CFAbsoluteTime startActualFrameTime;
       CGFloat currentVideoTime;
  3. After that, in -(void)startProcessing method, add following lines.

    - (void)startProcessing
       // Add this
       currentVideoTime = 0.0f;
       // Add this
       if (self.playSound)
           [self setupSound];
       GPUImageMovie __block *blockSelf = self;
       [inputAsset loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"tracks"] completionHandler: ^{
                // Add this
                startActualFrameTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - currentVideoTime;
  4. Again, In -(AVAssetReader*)createAssetReader update it,

    - (AVAssetReader*)createAssetReader
        BOOL shouldRecordAudioTrack = (([audioTracks count] > 0) &&  (self.audioEncodingTarget != nil));
        // Add this
        hasAudioTrack = ([audioTracks count] > 0);
  5. In - (void)processAsset,

    - (void)processAsset
       if ([reader startReading] == NO)
          NSLog(@"Error reading from file at URL: %@", self.url);
       // Add this
       if (self.playSound && hasAudioTrack)
          [theAudioPlayer seekToTime:kCMTimeZero];
          [theAudioPlayer play];
  6. In -(void)endProcessing,

    - (void)endProcessing
       if (self.playerItem && (displayLink != nil))
          [displayLink invalidate]; // remove from all run loops
          displayLink = nil;
       // Add this
       if (theAudioPlayer != nil)
          [theAudioPlayer pause];
          [theAudioPlayer seekToTime:kCMTimeZero];
  7. Add new method -(void)setupSound at last,

    // Add this
    - (void)setupSound
       if (theAudioPlayer != nil)
           [theAudioPlayer pause];
           [theAudioPlayer seekToTime:kCMTimeZero];
           theAudioPlayer = nil;
       theAudioPlayer = [[AVPlayer alloc] initWithURL:self.url];
  8. At last, when you create your GPUImageMovie object, don't forget to set playSound flag to YES.

    Like this : movieFile.playSound = YES;

    Hope this helps.

like image 151
Bharat Nakum Avatar answered Mar 25 '23 05:03

Bharat Nakum