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autorelease vs. release in dealloc

I know memory management in iOS is tricky subject to newbies like me, but I was hoping for a clear explanation here on stackoverflow which I could not find anywhere else.

So, pretend I have a property / ivar

@property(nonatomic, retain) UIPopoverController *popOver;

which I'm allocating like this:

self.popOver = [[[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:popOverContent] autorelease];    

Now, in my dealloc and viewDidUnload methods, I do both

// in viewDidUnload:
self.popOver = nil;
// in dealloc:
[popOver release];


  1. If I do nil / release in viewDidUnload / dealloc, do I really need to autorelease at allocation?
  2. Vice versa, if I do autorelease at allocation, do I need to nil / release later?
  3. What's the difference, if any?

Thanks in advance for your time - I'll continue reading, seriously memory management can't be that hard to wrap your head around...

like image 860
pille Avatar asked Sep 03 '11 13:09


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Objective-C provides two methods of application memory management. In the method described in this guide, referred to as “manual retain-release” or MRR, you explicitly manage memory by keeping track of objects you own.

1 Answers

Don't be confused by the autorelease in this line:

self.popOver = [[[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:popOverContent] autorelease];

After this statement you effectively own the object because the property setter claimed ownership of it. The autorelease balances the alloc-init.

So... yes, you need to autorelease at allocation. If you did this (no autorelease), you would leak:

self.popOver = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:popOverContent];

Another option is to use a temporary variable instead of autorelease:

UIPopoverController *temp = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:popOverContent];
self.popOver = temp;
[temp release];

Either way you need to release the object in dealloc.

like image 101
albertamg Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10
