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New posts in nsinvocation

Found an NSZombie in my app... now what?

NSInvocationOperation callback too soon

Returning an NSString from an NSInvocation using setReturnValue

In objective-c , how can an object return a different proxy object when itself is assigned as a delegate it implements

How does forwardInvocation: get called?

Invoke block iOS

Why creating NSInvocation has to specify selector twice

ios nsinvocation

which one is better to use from NSInvocation or NSNotificationCentre or Delegate methods

iOS - Cannot use 'super' as a reference?

How to pass an argument to a method called in a NSTimer

NSInvocation getReturnValue: called inside forwardInvocation: makes the returned object call dealloc:

objective-c nsinvocation

Does -[NSInvocation retainArguments] copy blocks?

NSInvocation with block arguments

Is there any alternative for NSInvocation in Swift?

NSInvocation and memory issues [duplicate]

Swift: overriding an initializer that takes an NSInvocation

swift nsinvocation

NSInvocation and ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)

What's the purpose of the setSelector method on the NSInvocation class?

Make NSInvocation invoke a specific IMP

Get block argument from NSInvocation with ARC