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New posts in objective-c-runtime

Why do class_respondsToSelector and respondsToSelector behave different when sent to Class?

Why aren't default parameters for functions respected when called via Selector in Swift?

swift objective-c-runtime

Why isn't the super class of a meta class of a root class a NULL pointer?

Under ARC, is it legal/safe to assign to an object-type ivar using runtime methods?

In Objective C how can I get the class name of self at run time? [duplicate]

How do I use objective-c-runtime's object_getIvar & object_setIvar in swift?

swift objective-c-runtime

Why resolveInstanceMethod: called twice sometimes

Using objc_disposeClassPair()

objc_getProtocol() returns NULL for `NSApplicationDelegate"?

Objective-c IOS arm64 method swizzling fail to call original method

How to detect if a property is an IBOutlet programmatically at runtime?

My isa-swizzling breaks KVO

Swizzling a method with variable arguments and forward the message - Bad Access

Log Objective-c message sends on a device

Get back to sel_getUid()'s original behaviour

Swift runtime - calling superclass method

swift objective-c-runtime

Lazily named class wasn't named by lazy name handler

What is the underlying mechanism for ivar synthesis in the modern Objective C runtime

Avoid extra static variables for associated objects keys