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New posts in ivar

Swift computed properties in Swift with instance variable?

Under ARC, is it legal/safe to assign to an object-type ivar using runtime methods?

"property is backed by an ivar" ? What technically does that mean?

objective-c properties ivar

Why is it needed to declare ivar and property with the same name?

objective-c ivar

Surprising Failures Putting a C Array Inside an Objective-C Struct Property

Can a category access instance variables defined in the class it extends?

Properties vs. Instance Variables

How to find unused ivars in Xcode

objective-c xcode ivar

Should IBOutlets be ivars or properties?

Changing an instance variable in a block

Want to perform action when __weak ivar is niled

Should I use ivars in Objective-C?

Assignment to ivar in a Block via weak pointer

iOS, using underscore vs using iVar directly [closed]

Syntax for accessing instance variables? (Objective-C)

iphone objective-c ios ivar

Need to declare a public instance variable in Objective-C

Objective C: Why do we declare ivars in the .h member area if @property seems to do it automatically?

Under ARC, are Blocks automatically copied when assigned to an ivar directly?

Reason to use ivars vs properties in objective c

objective-c properties ivar