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New posts in objective-c-runtime

Introspect the current block context, à la _cmd inside a method

ios 6 and 7 doesnt return same results

Cocoa/Objective-C Plugins Collisions

How are instance variables and methods stored in an Objective-C 2.0 object?

swift method_exchangeImplementations not work

swift objective-c-runtime

Swift 4 Objective-C Runtime and casting to NSObjectProtocol

adding methods dynamically

In objective-c , how can an object return a different proxy object when itself is assigned as a delegate it implements

How do I lookup a string constant at runtime in Objective-C?

Prevent Method Swizzling Objective-c

Why does Apple's implementation of KVO use subclassing instead of swizzling?

argument isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class] - sane way to check this?

How is retain count implemented in NSObject?

Is NSObject class a part of the Objective-C runtime library today (instead of being a Foundation component)?

Calling Objective-C method from imp

What's required to implement root class of Objective-C?

How do I get the Objective-C class of an ivar?

Is dispatch_once overkill inside of +[NSObject initialize]?

How does forwardInvocation: get called?

Creating an IMP from an Objective-C block