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New posts in dynamic-typing

MOQ returning dynamic types as object issue

How is it possible to dynamically cast to a Type that is named in a string with Swift 2.0?

Pure ANSI-C: make generic array

.NET generic class instance - passing a variable data type

How can PHP code be made aware of specific class subtypes passed to it, when using polymorphism? [closed]

Is it defined behavior to change an Objective-C object's isa?

Which is a faster approach to typechecking in PHP? gettype() or multiple is_*()

Ioc Containers and dynamic languages (take 2)

Matlab: Why is '1' + 1 == 50?

argument isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class] - sane way to check this?

Java annotation dynamic typecast

IO Monad in Dynamically-typed Languages

Do you know of any examples of elegant solutions in dynamically typed languages?

When should I use type checking (if ever) in Python?

python dynamic-typing

Is there a dream language that merges the benefits of dynamic and strong typing?

C++ equivalent of C# 4.0's "dynamic" keyword?

Inferred Type and Dynamic typing

How to deal with polymorphism inside a class [closed]

How to create dynamic variables in Java?

Dynamic Typing without duck typing?