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New posts in retain

When does setting an Objective-C property double retain?

iOS: Retaining a shared instance

objective-c ios retain

Difference between retain and copy?

How do I manually retain in Swift with ARC?

Does dispatching to a queue that's owned by an object retain that object? [duplicate]

Android Fragments Retaining Data

When to release/retain an object that is passed to a secondary Thread?

UIAlertView -show causing a memory leak

Retain, alloc, properties ... Topic to make your Obj-c life easier !

How is retain setter implemented with @synthesize?

iOS ARC - weak and strong properties

Does an NSManagedObject retain its NSManagedObjectContext?

Properties in Objective c. copy and retain

PHP - Best practice to retain form values across postback

php postback retain

NSZombies are eating my app's brain!

Android Viewholder for ViewPager

How do I calculate intersection between more than two HashSets?

TableView with SearchController - DEINIT not called

How can I retain HTML form field values in JSP after submitting form to Servlet?

forms jsp servlets retain

Does -[NSInvocation retainArguments] copy blocks?