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New posts in weak

How I can make alias on external defined function in C?

c gcc alias weak

Is there a way to override a module's main function in the D programming language?

My template specialization differs debug version from release version, is this gcc bug?

Should self be weak in UIView.animate when there is a delay and in collection view perform batch updates?

ios swift weak

iOS ARC - weak and strong properties

GCC behavior for unresolved weak functions

c gcc arm ld weak

SoftReferences vs Weakreferences / OutOfMemoryError

Is it the right way using `[weak self]` in swift closure?

swift closures weak

JIT Optimization and Weak References

Difference between weak self vs weak self()

ios xcode swift closures weak

Delphi: Object aggregation and memory leaks using [weak] attribute

What is the proper way to avoid Retain Cycle while using blocks

Is there a boost::weak_intrusive_pointer?

c++ boost pointers weak

IBOutlet for NSTextView in a ARC project

How to make weak linking work with GCC?

c gcc linker weak

What exactly does '__weak typeof(self)weakSelf = self;' mean

objective-c typeof weak

Using as a concrete type conforming to protocol AnyObject is not supported