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Is there a way to override a module's main function in the D programming language?

If you really need to, you can specify __attribute__((weak)) in C (see scriptedmain). This allows a program to double as API and executable, allowing code that imports the API to overwrite the main function.

Does D have a way to do this? Python has if __name__=="__main__": main(), but the weak syntax in C seems much closer.

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mcandre Avatar asked Feb 22 '23 16:02


1 Answers

Yes, using version directives, which require special options to rdmd and dmd.


#!/usr/bin/env rdmd -version=scriptedmain

module scriptedmain;

import std.stdio;

int meaningOfLife() {
    return 42;

version (scriptedmain) {
    void main(string[] args) {
        writeln("Main: The meaning of life is ", meaningOfLife());


#!/usr/bin/env rdmd -version=test

import scriptedmain;
import std.stdio;

version (test) {
    void main(string[] args) {
        writeln("Test: The meaning of life is ", meaningOfLife());


$ ./scriptedmain.d
Main: The meaning of life is 42
$ ./test.d
Test: The meaning of life is 42
$ dmd scriptedmain.d -version=scriptedmain
$ ./scriptedmain
Main: The meaning of life is 42
$ dmd test.d scriptedmain.d -version=test
$ ./test
Test: The meaning of life is 42

Also posted on RosettaCode.

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mcandre Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 06:04
