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New posts in ocmock

cannot stub class method with OCMock 2.1+ in Xcode 5.0

OCMock 3.0.2 linker error with .mm test file

c++ xcode linker-errors ocmock

Mocking KVO with OCMock

Objective C & OC Mock - Mocking a class method?

OCMock and UIViewController

ios uiviewcontroller ocmock

OCMock an NSOperation

Unit Tests are always "successful" after adding OCMock

Failing to import OCMock headers into iOS project

iphone ios xcode ocmock

How to use OCMock to verify that an asynchronous method does not get called in Objective C?

Test Core Data Application

Objective C - Unit testing & Mocking object?

stub method with block of code as parameter with OCMock

ios block stub ocmock

Mocking C library functions in Objective-C

Returning an NSString from an NSInvocation using setReturnValue

XCTest fails when calling [NSBundle mainBundle]

OCMock expect and return gives signature error

ios objective-c ocmock

How to init an object with stubbed values with OCMock

OCMock Failing at runtime