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cannot stub class method with OCMock 2.1+ in Xcode 5.0

Xcode 5//iOS 6 and 7//TDD: OCUnit or XCTest

What is a good tutorial for getting started with iPhone unit testing using OCUnit?

isMemberOfClass returns no when ViewController is instantiated from UIStoryboard

OCUnit: How to run tests without launching iPhone simulator?

unit-testing xcode4 ocunit

Running a single test method

objective-c cocoa xcode ocunit

Imported files not recognized in OCUnit

do I need to manually add each *.m file to my unit test target when it's needed?

iphone ios xcode4 ocunit

OCUnit testing an embedded framework

Apple Mach-O Linker Error using Core Data classes in OCUnit

ios xcode core-data ocunit

iPhone: Application Testing and Core Location

Testing Exceptions using SenTestingKit/OCUnit

Doing a compare of NSArray in ocUnit

OCUnit, NSLog, and XCode 3.1

xcode nslog ocunit

How to run OCUnit logic tests automatically before each build (run) of iOS app in Xcode 4?

ios xcode4 ocunit

Xcode warning "profiling: invalid magic number"

ios xcode ocunit xcode4.6