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SenTesting stop test after first STAssert fails

ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking against dylib built for MacOSX file

Unit Tests are always "successful" after adding OCMock

Error when running unit tests in Xcode 5.0

Where are my core data entities?

Why is SenTestingKit causing my app to crash?

Testing Exceptions using SenTestingKit/OCUnit

Dynamic "test host" or bundle loader for iOS Unit Testing?

Run unittests with a specific locale (en_US or none)

XCode 4 Unit test: Is it possible to ignore certain test cases?

Xcode 5 says "Simulator in Use" when running 64-bit Unit tests

Xcode 5 -- Test target did not finish

Conditional unit testing based on iOS version

Running SenTestingKit unit tests in Instruments

Logic Testing on iOS devices is not supported?

iphone ios sentestingkit

How to read in a local JSON file for testing

OCUnit tests to existing iOS project. "ld: file not found"

How do you load a prototype cell from a storyboard?

XCTest build errors for test target Xcode 5: