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Find out number of fraction digits in currency in iOS

Name order habit in iOS about NSLocale

ios nslocale

Native iOS Language Translated String and its Language Code Identification (LCID)

iOS: plurals and custom locale

iPhone display date using a user locale but in other language

How to get NSNumberFormatter currency style from ISOCurrencyCodes?

Swift - Get list of countries

NSLocale of loaded language in application

objective-c nslocale

How to get OS language and locale?

NSLocaleUsesMetricSystem always YES on iPad

Run unittests with a specific locale (en_US or none)

How to get system locale and system language in cocoa

Localizing Numbers in iOS

What locale argument to pass to NSDecimalNumber +decimalNumberWithString:locale: so it always works with NSString's using the dot (.) decimal mark?

List of Countries using NSLocaleCountryCode

iphone objective-c nslocale

How to get NSLocale from currency code?

NSLocale Language Issue

ios locale nslocale

Uppercase All String According to Locale - Swift

ios swift nslocale

NSLocale Country Code and Name is Null

ios xcode6 nslocale

How can I change the locale for my app programmatically via Swift? [closed]

swift nslocale