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NSLocale returning wrong value in iOS 11

Getting Locales on iOS 5

iphone ios5 nslocale

What's the difference between NSLocale currentLocale vs autoupdatingCurrentLocale?

foundation nslocale

Can I get the code for the local currency from an NSLocale?

objective-c ios nslocale

Localization: How to get the current user language?

Does the weekdaySymbol list always start with Sunday in any country?

NSDateformatter setDateFormat according to currentLocale

iOS - Determine User's country without using CLLocationManager

Know when to use short or full month names

NSLocale currency symbol, show before or after amount value

NSLocale Swift 3

swift currency swift3 nslocale

How do I get current application locale?

NSLocaleCountryCode returns nil

xcode 6.1 iOS 8.1 NSLocale displayNameForKey NSLocaleIdentifier return nil

ios objective-c nslocale

Check language in iOS app

How do I get a list of countries in Swift ios?

How to get country code using NSLocale in Swift 3

ios swift3 nslocale

How to get current language code with Swift?

swift nslocale

Getting current device language in iOS?