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New posts in nsdateformatter

iOS 6 NSDateFormatter stringFromDate: empty day of week

iOS RestKit Date parsing

ios restkit nsdateformatter

swift NSDateFormatter not working

NSDateFormatter stringFromDate: returning local time instead of UTC / GMT

Issue in conversion time to date

How to display only the day and month of a date based on the locale?

ios swift nsdateformatter

NSDate returns wrong week Number

Swift NSDate ISO 8601 format

DateFormatter "HH" not giving time in 24 hour format in swift [duplicate]

NSDate from NSString when time is in 24 hr format

How to format Instagram date in Objective-C

iOS Swift how to have DateFormatter without year for any locale?

Format a date from a string

NSDateFormatter returns unexpected results

NSDate but no NSTime , how to convert a string representation of time (without date)

MagicalRecord date parsing

iOS NSDate Comparison works differently when the 24-Hour Time in date settings toggles between ON and OFF?

Using setDoesRelativeDateFormatting: YES and setDateFormat: with NSDateFormatter

Convert NSDate to String with a specific timezone in SWIFT

How to convert "2017-07-11T06:52:15.948Z" in to like "JUL, 7 2017" in swift