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New posts in iso8601

Get number of weeks for a given ISO 8601 calendar year

Date/Time Conversion ColdFusion

Swift NSDate ISO 8601 format

java.util.Formatter: UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = 'F'

Select ISO 8601 Timestamp from MySQL Database

Formatting ISO 8601 date with a colon seperator

java date iso8601

Javascript Date to IS8601 format?

javascript date iso8601

Converting a specific ISO8601 TimeSpan ("P2M2W5D") to a C# TimeSpan [duplicate]

Carbon parse Iso 8601 string to UTC date and record it to db

php mysql utc php-carbon iso8601

Jersey Joda Time ISO 8601 parameter in urlencoded form

jersey jodatime iso8601

How to bind ISO8601 TSQL DATETIME parameter with PDO?

php sql-server pdo odbc iso8601

Amazon Alexa: AMAZON.DATE to Java Date/Duration

java iso8601

In Rails 3 How to parse ISO8601 date string to get a TimeWithZone instance?

RABL: change default date and time format to iso8601

python ISO 8601 date format

python iso8601 strftime

Parse date of ISO 8601 value 24:00:00 fails

c# datetime iso8601

Get ISO-8601(SCORM 2004) Duration Format in Seconds using MySQL

mysql sql datetime iso8601

Why does java.time.Period#normalized() not normalize days?

ISO-8601 String to Date in Google Sheets cell