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joda time consume too much memory

java android jodatime

Add Javadoc/source to Joda-Time when imported as Maven dependency

How to obtain the locale date format on month and day

Check if the current time hits midnight/or is next day in Joda Time?

java jodatime

How do I use joda.time in flink (or how do I use typeutils.runtime.kryo)

Time-independent JUnit Test Cases

Joda time parsing time with more than 24 hour

java parsing jodatime

Joda time zone different than JDK's

java jodatime

Storing joda-time datetime in database

java datetime jpa jodatime

what is the direct way to copy a joda LocalTime?

java jodatime

Wicket - strange behavior with parameterized StringResourceModel

Joda Time - Convert a String into a DateTime with a particular timezone and in a particular format

java jodatime

Joda Api handle Time Zone for isBeforeNow isAfterNow comparision

Is org.joda.time.DateTimeFormat thread safe?

scala concurrency jodatime

Why is Joda Time serialized form so large, and what to do about it?

java serialization jodatime

Joda Time, parse is not working

java jodatime

Validation of Hijri Date (Islamic Calendar) on Java 6

How can i tell if one joda-time DateTime object is within 4 hours of another?

java jodatime

How to parse four digit year only (with Joda Time)?

java datetime jodatime

Understanding joda time PeriodFormatter