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New posts in java-6

Java annotation cannot access protected static fields from upper class

Swing- close whole application when a dialog is cancelled

java swing jframe jdialog java-6

Validation of Hijri Date (Islamic Calendar) on Java 6

confusion about the results of java String

java string java-6

How to compare java.sql.Timestamp and java.util.Date

Rounding Half Up with Decimal Format in Android

TreeMap with no unique key

java java-6

Implementation of the addAndGet in AtomicInteger class

How to install JDK 1.6 on Mac OSX Leopard?

macos java osx-leopard java-6

Is there a synchronized AND sorted map object (LinkedHashTable)?

SSL handshake - java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException issue

java ssl java-6

Java 6: Examples for implementing own scripting language using javax.script? [closed]

VB support in Java 6?

Android Studio cannot use secure connection for update, complaining the use of Java 6

Servlet.service() throws ClassCastException

How does JDK 6 regexp compare with org.apache.regexp?

java jdk1.6 regex java-6

How to (re)attach JDK sources for Eclipse on Snow Leopard?

eclipse macos jdk1.6 java-6

Understanding logic in CaseInsensitiveComparator

java string jdk1.6 java-6