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New posts in jdk1.6

Scripting java : import a class from an external file

Ant wsimport task failing

ant jax-ws jdk1.6 wsimport

Android Studio cannot use secure connection for update, complaining the use of Java 6

Project "MyProject" has higher compiler option than running Eclipse

eclipse hibernate jvm jdk1.6

ThreadLocal pondering (Or: Is sun's javadoc wrong?)

java javadoc sun jdk1.6

Use fork-and-join in JDK6

java jdk1.6 fork-join

How can I download Java SE 6, Update 121?

java jdk1.6

WebSphere Application Server 6.1 support for Java 1.6?

java jdk1.6 websphere-6.1

How to shutdown com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer?

What is the hierarchy of JVM, JDK, JRE, JIT? [closed]

jvm java jit jdk1.6

Warning of class sharing doesnt allow me to profile locally (Windows) using visualVM

WebLogic 12c - Destination unreachable exception

java java-7 jdk1.6 weblogic12c

Android Studio stuck on loading screen

Most useful or interesting new language features in Java 5 and 6?

Difference in DocumentBuilder.parse when using JRE 1.5 and JDK 1.6

java xml parsing sax jdk1.6 java-6

Any issues migrating from JDK6 to JDK7 with Spring & Tomcat?

spring java jdk1.6 java-7

SimpleDateFormat.parse returns errorIndex as 0

Not able to properly set up the path of java in Windows 7 , 64 bit

windows cmd java jdk1.6

Java Calendar, acts differently OSX Windows

java windows macos jsp jdk1.6

New features in JDK 1.6 and 1.7

java jdk1.6 java-7 java-6