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New posts in simpledateformat

Parsing date to remove timezone

java date simpledateformat

customize android Date like twitter and instagram news feed

TimeZone doesn't know about EEST timezone

Simpledataformat not recognizing valid string

java simpledateformat

Inconsistent locale case sensitivity in Java compared to Bash

SimpleDateFormat leniency leads to unexpected behavior

How to format timestamp I got from Dropbox metadata calling into custom form?

Calendar class in Java, ParseException

SimpleDateFormat with pattern yyyyMMddhhmmss unable to parse date "20160327020727"

App crashes when I use SimpleDateFormat class with "YYYY"

JSF custom Converter for Date - Is is thread safe?

how to add days to java simple date format

How to sort dates in a string array in Java?

SimpleDateFormat behaviour

java simpledateformat

Convert UTC Date to local Date

android - SimpleDateFormat parses data the strange way. Wrong month or/and year

Why is SimpleDateFormat changing the date?

Java unparsable date SimpleDateFormat [duplicate]

java simpledateformat

SimpleDateFormat shows wrong local Time

convert date from "2009-12 Dec" format to "31-DEC-2009"