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Do I always have to write a converter for date-formatting?

JSF custom Converter for Date - Is is thread safe?

WPF: How to pass an instance of System.Type as the Binding.ConverterParameter via XAML?

Converting to mm/dd/yyyy format

How to convert numbers to letters within a Console.WriteLine() statement

Actionscript to java source converter

Data Trigger using Converter not working

c# wpf converter datatrigger

How to centralize <f:convertDateTime> timezone in JSF?

Python: Convert unicode string to MM/DD/YYYY

python datetime converter

Convert JSF calendar date into JodaTime in Converter

jsf-2 converter

How to make ImageIO support more formats

Turning a string into list of positive and negative numbers

Display formatted decimal numbers in Primefaces 4 [duplicate]

jsf primefaces converter

Java convert html with css+js to pdf [closed]

Removing non-ascii characters in a csv file

python django csv converter

How to pass multiple converter parameter in generic Enum to Boolean Converter

c# wpf xaml converter

VAADIN: Why I can't set a converter to a ComboBox?

Converting Pascal 'type' to C#

c# delphi converter pascal

Convert date and time string to DateTime in C# [duplicate]

c# datetime converter

use of HexEncoder class from flutter

hex converter flutter