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New posts in scripting-language

Lua scripting line by line

How can I automate and share sessions between Firefox and Perl?

C# scripting without hardcoding

c# lua scripting-language

Global and local recursive functions in lua

Passing Arguments to Shell Script

If you only have a hammer...or [closed]

c++ scripting-language

Game Engine Scripting Languages

Best way to automate tasks in windows

Java 6: Examples for implementing own scripting language using javax.script? [closed]

How fast should an interpreted language be today?

Why would one want to use ruby over python or vice versa?

Why are most scripting languages loosely typed?

Looking for an embeddable scripting language for C++ with 64-bit support and Cross Platform

Which scripting languages support long (64 bit) integers well?

Check if a process is running and exit if it is already running

Shell script to check if the process is already running and exit if yes

Simple, secure scripting language implemented in JavaScript? [closed]

Scripting languages on iOS games

c++ ios scripting-language

Erlang Scripting Language Interpreter

erlang scripting-language