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New posts in dayofweek

iOS 6 NSDateFormatter stringFromDate: empty day of week

Get the days in a Week in Javascript, Week starts on Sunday

Name of day of week in italian language in c#

c# dayofweek

Java 8 LocalDate: Determine What Monday of the Month its (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)

Adding one week via java.util.Calendar.add() fails

java date calendar dayofweek

Objective-c get day of week in number starting with Monday, NOT Sunday

How to get day from specified date in android

android date dayofweek weekday

How to check if a certain date is a weekend taking into account the current locale in Java?

How to get the 7 days in a week with a currentDate in javascript?

Java day of the week from string

Only Select Friday and coming Monday in mysql

parsing date from day of week with java datetimeformatter

What settings in Mac OS X affect the `Locale` and `Calendar` inside Java?

Calendar giving unexpected results for year 1

java date calendar dayofweek

List<DayOfWeek> in localized order

java dayofweek java-time

java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date : "..."

DAY_OF_WEEK always returns 7 in Java GregorianCalendar

How to histogram day-of-week, and have string labels

r histogram dayofweek

Rails - Determine the day of the week

Get the weekday from a Date object or date string using JavaScript