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New posts in localdate

Kotlin data class and LocalDateTime

How to parse time based tokens in java ?(1m 1M 1d 1Y 1W 1S)

Parsing LocalDate but getting DateTimeParseException; dd-MMM-uuuu

Java 8 LocalDate: Determine What Monday of the Month its (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)

LocalDate: equals vs isEqual

Why LocalDate doesn't implements Comparable<LocalDate>?

How to format LocalDate to ISO 8601 with T and Z?

Spring MVC 4 + Jackson + LocalDate

How to subtract Hijrah year from a Hijrah Date in Java 8 Date API

Java 8 LocalDateTime - How to Get All Times Between Two Dates

Mapping TIMESTAMP column from PostgreSQL to LocalDate

How to save LocalDate to MongoDB without time (why is mongo saving date with time even if i save just the date)?

Jackson: deserialize epoch to LocalDate

DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE vs DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd") in Java 8+

Spring jpa hibernate mysql LocalDate off one day after persist

How do I parse an ISO-8601 formatted string that contains no punctuation in Java 8?

java localdate

Date issue in spring boot data rest

Find most recent date in a list of objects on LocalDate property using Java 8 stream

Java 8 LocalDate to JavaScript Date