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New posts in epoch

How can I Populate a chrono::year With the Current Year?

c++ date epoch c++-chrono c++20

Converting times before the year 999 to epoch

perl time epoch

Working with epoch time in PowerShell using UniversalTime

powershell datetime epoch

Convert QString Unix epoch time to QString standard time

qt datetime epoch qstring

Convert string to a epoch time in Excel

excel datetime epoch

DB2 timestampdiff function returning unexpected results

What will happen when seconds since epoch > LONG_MAX?

c time epoch time-t

How to convert epoch to gregorian datetime in haskell

How to convert an Epoch to a OffsetDateTime in Kotlin?

Convert time in seconds from the Epoch to day of the year?

c++ time epoch

How to calculate epoch day?

datetime epoch

Epoch is not epoch if do a new Date(0L). Why?

java date epoch

How do I convert a date into epoch time in Perl?

perl datetime date epoch

How do I convert seconds since Epoch to current date and time?

time lua epoch

How to remove Hour, Minute, and Second from Epoch timestamp

java date epoch milliseconds

is epoch time the same on the same machine with diffent scripts/programs

javascript shell epoch

String to Date in epoch time Format in Java

java date time format epoch

Epoch Time (Ticks since 1970) - Mac vs. Windows

json macos date epoch

Create an integer timestamp in Firebird