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New posts in jsr310

LocalDate: equals vs isEqual

What are the use cases justifying the 310 OffsetDate type?

java-8 jsr310

JSR310 Year.parse() throws DateTimeParseException with values < 1000

java jsr310

Is there official documentation by Oracle saying we should not use java.util.Date in new project

java java-time jsr310

How can I bind a form parameter to a Java 8 Duration using Spring MVC?

java spring-mvc jsr310

How to ignore java.time package in Android Studio

Period with hours, minutes and seconds [closed]

java jsr310

Is there a equivalent to ChronoUnit.between that returns fraction instead of integer?

java java-8 java-time jsr310

Comparing ThreeTen backport to JSR-310

Jackson (de)serialization of Java8 date/time by a JAX-RS client

java json jackson jax-rs jsr310

java.time.LocalDate not supported in native queries by latest Spring Data/Hibernate?

Can't serialize java.time.LocalDate as a String with Jackson

jackson spring-boot jsr310

Jackson deserialization issue for ZonedDateTime

java json spring jackson jsr310

Why does the java.time.Clock has zone information?

java timezone java-time jsr310

Are java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar deprecated?

How to abstract away java.time.Clock for testing purposes in Spring

java spring junit jsr310

Registering JacksonJsonProvider with ObjectMapper + JavaTimeModule to Jersey 2 Client

java jackson jersey-2.0 jsr310

jOOQ - support for JSR310

java sql jooq jsr310

Deserializing LocalDateTime with Jackson JSR310 module

java jackson java-time jsr310