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New posts in hibernate-5.x

Hibernate 5.2 get natural id properties from metamodel

Spring data Jpa findTop and findFirst generating error Incorrect syntax near '@P0'

Migrating to Hibernate 5

How to prevent hibernate5 from lazy fetching when jackson serializes json object?

How to upgrade Hibernate from version 4.3 to 5.2 for migration to JDK 10?

Migration to hibernate core 5.2.1 ava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.Session.getFlushMode()Lorg/hibernate/FlushMode;

Get Connection object while using SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() in Hibernate

EventListener Hibernate 5

How to configure 'entityCacheStrategies' in spring4.3.x

Where are Hibernate 5 properties documented?

Liquibase + Hibernate ORM 5.0

How to solve AbstractMethodError in Hibernate 5?

Hibernate 5.0.1 with PostGIS data stored as bytes instead of spatial types

Hibernate self-reference entity as non null column

HibernateTemplate is throwing java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.Session.getFlushMode() -- Spring4.2.6, Hibernate5.2

Hibernate 5 Sequence Generate Issue

oracle jpa hibernate-5.x

Correct alternative to SharedSessionContract.createCriteria(Class persistentClass) in Hibernate 5.2

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: expecting IdClass mapping