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New posts in sql-server-2012

Full Text Search - thesaurus file is not loaded / working

Is it possible to modify system stored procedure?

Why can't I shrink transaction log?

Trouble converting VARCHAR to DATETIME in SQL (with timezone)


Cannot insert an explicit value into a timestamp column

How to test if a SQL Server Geography column value is POINT(0 0)?

Bulk insert in SQL Server database from one table to another

entity framework looking at wrong database

SQL Server function to get top level parent in hierarchy

Comma separate two separate columns

sql select min or max based on condition

Ignore duplicate records in SSIS' OLE DB destination

TSQL Finding Data in a Stuffed comma separated string

Filter OUTER APPLY column in WHERE clause

Exclude Functions from where clause in Sql server

SQL Server 2012 not showing unicode character in results

sql unicode sql-server-2012

Dynamic SQL "USE [DB]" not worked

Rename SQL Column Error : Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (COLUMN) is wrong

Return 1 instead of 0 when Count(*) result is Null

sql sql-server-2012 count

How to use OUTPUT clause with SELECT/INTO statement