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New posts in jpa-2.1

Spring data Jpa findTop and findFirst generating error Incorrect syntax near '@P0'

unexpected token: LIMIT

spring hibernate jpa-2.1

JPA 2.1 Foreign Key isn't saving on ManyToOne cascade

"Ordinal binding and Named binding" issue when calling Stored Procedure with Jpa 2.1

how to add entity listener programmable in Hibernate JPA

spring hibernate jpa-2.1

JPA Criteria Query with predicate that compares a field annotated @Convert gets a ORA-00932 upon execution

Filter full text search results by userId field with hibernate

Adding the JPA @OrderColumn afterwards causes null index column for collection error

hibernate jpa jpa-2.0 jpa-2.1

Hibernate with Glassfish 4.1

How to use Constructor Mapping with Spring JPA Repositories

Hibernate 4 Wildfly 8 logging not working

How to use JPA - EntityGraph to load only a subset of entity @Basic attributes?

JPA @SqlResultSetMapping not able to handle empty sql result to be mapped to empty POJO - instead an exception is thrown

java jpa orm eclipselink jpa-2.1

Add WHERE IN clause to JPA Specification