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New posts in jpa-2.1

UnknownEntityTypeException in Bean from Maven

hibernate maven jpa-2.1

how to left join two unrelated entities with JPA criteria api?

Prevent duplicate entries in a join table in a many-to-many relationship in JPA

JPA 2.1/Hibernate 4.3 deprecation warning

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Koitlin support for JPA static metamodel

kotlin jpa-2.1 metamodel

JPA 2.1 @SqlResultSetMapping binding inner class to targetclass

java-8 jpa-2.1

Hibernate Envers fails with @Converter and AttributeConverter (JPA 2.1)

Creating converters based on multiple attributes in JPA 2.1

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@Converter annotated class not getting auto detected in spring-boot project

IN clause with a composite primary key in JPA criteria

update existing column value in JPA CriteriaUpdate

orm eclipselink jpa-2.1

Spring JPA Specifications Not In Query

Setting up custom scheme using @DataJpaTest

What is the best way to bulk delete rows in JPA while also cascading the delete to child records

JPA & enum table (aka "the one true lookup table")

java orm jpa-2.1