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New posts in hibernate-4.x

Why doesn't openSession work but getCurrentSession works in Spring Hibernate

Get Connection object while using SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() in Hibernate

Hibernate4 & Lobhandler

spring lob hibernate-4.x

Errors in Stopping tomcat 7 server when Hibernate 4 is used

One Transaction for Hibernate Validation and Spring controller

How do I disable SHOW WARNINGS from Hibernate?

hibernate second level cache is slow

Proplem with @OrderColumn Hibernate 4.1

Hibernate 4 Wildfly 8 logging not working

JPA and Hibernate proxy behavior

Replacement for org.hibernate.Transactions.isActive() in Hibernate 5

Hibernate event listeners for JPA callbacks

Migrate from Hibernate 4.3.6 to Hibernate 5

When/How do I set Ehcache used by Hibernate size programmatically

Hibernate4 on JBoss EAP 5.1.2 logging error

hibernate 4.3.x - load all entity annotated classes

New XSD schema in Hibernate 4

Get a list of managed Entity instances in a persistence context

hibernate jpa hibernate-4.x

eventlisteners using hibernate 4.0 with spring 3.1.0.release?