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New posts in hibernate-5.x

Hibernate 5 ImplicitNamingStrategy

hibernate hibernate-5.x

Replacement for org.hibernate.Transactions.isActive() in Hibernate 5

Hibernate 5 + Glassfish 4.1.1: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.logging.Logger.debugf(Ljava/lang/String;I)V

Why does Hibernate 5 sequence generator use the default hibernate.seq instead of my sequence?

Grails (Hibernate) Mapping of java.time.ZoneId to Database

Hibernate @Enumerated seems to be ignored

Migrate from Hibernate 4.3.6 to Hibernate 5

Hibernate 5 doesn't handle LocalDate properly

Migrating To Hibernate 5 from 3

Table not created with hbm2ddl.auto=update in Hibernate 5

spring hibernate 5 Error Already value [org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.SessionHolder for key bound to thread

Spring Boot 2.0.0.M4 & Hibernate 5.2.11.Final could not find bean of type EntityManagerFactoryBuilder

spring-boot hibernate-5.x

get is not valid without active transaction - hibernate 5

java hibernate-5.x

Spring 4.3.0.RELEASE, Hibernate 5.0.9.Final, missing SessionFactoryImplementor.getProperties method

how to left join two unrelated entities with JPA criteria api?

Where is the "Reverse Engineering" feature in Hibernate5?

Oracle 12c Identity column with Hibernate 5