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Oracle get id of inserted row with identity always [duplicate]

sql oracle plsql oracle12c dml

Why EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is needed here?

Update a column of same table if there is duplicate records

sql oracle oracle12c

"addinstallusertogroupexception_desc" Oracle 12C installation error


sql oracle oracle12c

Multiple insert SQL oracle

Stuck Call to undefined function oci_connect() using XAMPP

php oracle web xampp oracle12c

Oracle: using Automatic List Partitioning with Range Subpartitioning

Call Oracle stored procedure from Select statement?


ins-20802 - oracle net configuration assistant failed during installation - centos 7

How to automate source control with Oracle database

sql plsql oracle11g oracle12c

Oracle DBMS Job not running

Oracle : Export select statement result set as INSERT SQL Statements similar to SQL developer export

How to get parameters properties from a stored procedure in Oracle?

How to cast LONG to VARCHAR2 inline

sql oracle oracle12c