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New posts in hibernate-5.x

Hibernate 4 -> 5 migration: NamingStrategy changes, Tables not found

Switching from version 4.3.11.Final to 5.0.1.Final causes compilation error

Has Hibernate 5 implemented DISCRIMINATOR approach for Multi-tenant data?

Java Hibernate Bug Wrong Parameter Binding

java.time.LocalDate not supported in native queries by latest Spring Data/Hibernate?

HIbernate 5: generator class="sequence" not working

Java 8 + Hibernate 5 MySQL TIMESTAMP/DATETIME to LocalDateTime Mapping

hibernate 5 sequencegenerator not giving the right value

hibernate 5 and spring - generate ddl using SchemaExport

Hibernate Criteria query lists tables in wrong order in generated SQL

Weblogic 12.2.1 + Java 8 + Spring Data JPA + Hibernate 5.x Deployment conflict

Replacing SchemaExport(Configuration) in Hibernate 5

hibernate hibernate-5.x

What is the most suitable hibernate.dialect for postgresql 10.5? [closed]

Why is hibernate-java8 (hibernate 5.x) jar shown deprecated?

hibernate 5 + ZonedDateTime + postgresql include time zone and the offset

Spring Boot Hibernate 5 Ignoring @Table and @Column

How to set Foreign key name in @OneToOne relation with @JoinColumn and @MapsId

How to stop LocalDate from changing when being saved to a mySQL database

Hibernate 5 :- org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity

How to configure Hibernate 5 with Spring 4