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How to configure code Formatter in Eclipse to add new line after each element in enum?

Eclipse Mars blurs

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Unable to install LLVM toolchain for Eclipse CDT

Eclipse: Maven project builder generating NullPointerException when building workspace

How can I get rid of Eclipse Git "conflict" icons after all merges are resolved?

Eclipse (Mars) not getting started after a java Upgrade

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Eclipse Mars - The currently displayed page contains invalid values

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When Google plugin for Eclipse 4.5 ( Mars ) would be available?

How to have Eclipse console show the same GoogleTests output as in the terminal?

Increase the maximum number of javadoc warnings when compiling with Ant

HibernateTemplate is throwing java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.Session.getFlushMode() -- Spring4.2.6, Hibernate5.2

Where are plugins/tools installed from the Eclipse marketplace located on linux? (Mars)

Can't find CVS in import options in new Eclipse Mars

eclipse eclipse-mars

How to show all files extensions in Eclipse tabs

eclipse eclipse-mars

What's the right way to work with a different C++ compiler in a CDT project?

PyDev: Running code to interactive console

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Git commit not possible. There are no staged files