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How to configure code Formatter in Eclipse to add new line after each element in enum?

When I format an enum using Ctrl + Shift + F in Eclipse It does not add a new line after each element in enum. Like this

public enum MyEnum

But I need a format like this:

public enum MyEnum

How can we configure Formatter in Eclipse to add new line after each element in enum?

like image 785
वरुण Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 01:03


1 Answers

Go to Line Wrapping in Java Formatter. Expand 'enum' declaration and choose Constants. Select Wrap all elements, every element on a new line in Line wrapping policy and check Force split, even if line shorter than maximum line width. Apply and OK.

like image 103
Aleksandr M Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 00:03

Aleksandr M