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New posts in java-10

Could not find artifact Jackson-modules-java8:jar

maven jackson java-10

What differentiates List#copyOf, Set#copyOf, and Map#copyOf from traditional methods?

Use cases when lombok or java 'var' is useful [duplicate]

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Local Variable Type Inference not being recognized

java intellij-idea var java-10

Different behaviour of same statement while executing on JShell

java java-9 jshell java-10

How to upgrade Hibernate from version 4.3 to 5.2 for migration to JDK 10?

Can a local variable with an inferred type be reassigned to a different type?

is java 9 and above still platform independent or not after this module system has been introduced?

java java-9 java-10 java-11

Advantages/Drawbacks of "var" in Java 10 [closed]

java java-10

Migrating Maven from Java 9 to Java 10 fails on maven-compiler-plugin [duplicate]

Compile single class with jaotc of Java 10

java aop java-10 jaotc

Can't deploy jars to S3 after upgrading from Java 8 to Java 10, what's going on?

java maven java-10

Java generic type not working in this case

java generics java-10

Main method doesn't run inside a module

Can I provide runtime compiler access when running with JRE in Java 9+?

What type of token exactly is "var" in Java 10?

java java-10

How can I install Netbeans with JDK 10

Unrecognized VM option 'UseParNewGC' , Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine

jvm java-10 jvm-crash