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New posts in java-home

libgdx not using correct JAVA_HOME path

java libgdx java-home

Windows JAVA HOME problems

I still see Java 1.8 when I am doing java -version after downgrading to 1.7

How to detect Java is installed via REGEDIT.exe from a batch file?

Which of these is my JDK path, and which is JAVA_HOME?

JAVA_HOME not setting for RJB

java-home rjb

How to get JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME environment variables in Java?

Setup JAVA_HOME vs JRE_HOME vs PATH environment variables

JAVA_HOME Variable Issues

java java-home

Ubuntu: where is java_home environment variable stored

JAVA_HOME is incorrectly set when launching Zookeeper on Windows

Path for Weblogic Home& Java home for adding Oracle server in eclipse

ubuntu java environment path, bash: /etc/environment: permission denied?

Can't deploy to Heroku the app with RJB gem

heroku java-home rjb

Maven Java home configuration

java maven java-home

Checking/getting JAVA_HOME Variable from Java

java openjdk java-home

How can I install Netbeans with JDK 10

Do I need to restart my system after setting JAVA in system environment's path variable?

java java-home