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New posts in module-info

Javadoc comments in module-info

Migrating Maven from Java 9 to Java 10 fails on maven-compiler-plugin [duplicate]

How to have the java8 code that uses Unsafe working on jdk8 and jdk9?

module-info.java does not work with lombok in Java 9

Java 11 module-info and annotation processors

How to create jigsaw module in SBT?

How to expand the module path at runtime

Java: Is `sun.awt.image` package deprecated?

Can I use module-info.java if target level is 8?

SPI + JDK 9 + module-info.java

List the modules resolved during the application startup

Modules not found that are required in module-info.java

How to get Eclipse to stop asking to create a module-info java file on new Java project creation?

java eclipse module-info

Which module should I require in Java 9 to use JPA?

java jpa java-9 module-info

Can a module-info.java 'opens' statement include a package and all sub-packages?

java spring java-9 module-info

Is it possible to mix Java 8 and Java 9 source code in the same project without using compiler flags?

Unable to derive module descriptor for auto generated module names in Java 9?

Error scanning entry "module-info.class" when starting Jetty server