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New posts in jetty

Clojure / Jetty: Force URL to only be Hit Once at a Time

clojure locking jetty

Jetty 8.1.1 Websocket client handshake

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Why can't java webapps have 2 webcontexts?

java jetty

Jetty SslContextFactory: Print all allowed cipher suites

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Scalatra test failing using ScalatraSuite (FunSuiteLike) for standlone sbt project

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Upgrading to jetty 9.4 replacing the HashSessionManager

jetty jetty-9

Run Jettys ServletTester within JUnit test

How to prevent mvn jetty:run from executing test phase?

JSF2 on Jetty gives randomly 'zip file closed' but works when running from maven jetty plugin (jetty:run)

jsf-2 jetty

Jetty 8.1.2 startup delay


jetty startup errors with signer information errors

jetty maven-jetty-plugin

Jetty '{servlet}/{parameter}' url routing

java url dictionary routes jetty

Download distribution of Jetty 6


Weird NoClassDef-s with Eclipse Jetty's Maven plugin

maven jetty maven-3

Restarting Jetty on Ubuntu 12.04.4

jetty ubuntu-12.04

Creating a ResourceConfig that behaves the same way as default Jetty's Jersey registering

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How do I setup a working Vaadin project with Maven and run it with Jetty?

maven jetty vaadin

Handle "multipart/related" in java servlet

java xml servlets jetty

Is there a way to force Jetty to only use HTTPS?

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Jetty Classpath issues

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