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New posts in service-locator

Fear of using a Dependency Injection framework

J2EE/EJB + service locator: is it safe to cache EJB Home lookup result?

Where is MvcServiceLocator in ASP.NET MVC 3 RC?

Confused over using IOC container, service locator and factory

Java - Automatic implementation of service locator pattern using annotations

Static members class vs. normal c-like interface

Stuck on generics and interfaces. Need solution based on code, maybe redesign of interfaces

ServiceLocator get instance by passing construction parameter

Command Bus/Dispatcher and Handler registration without Dependency Injection

.NET MVC3 Service Locator / Dependency Resolver Question With Ninject

When to use Dependency injection vs service locator

Silex - real DI vs injecting $app which looks like ServiceLocator?

Can't use registered singetons in ConfigureServices without them being instantiated twice

LightInject IoC container throws stackoverflow when resolving type

Can't initialized GraphQl Client in flutter using Get_it

Are service locators not just global variables/state?

How should I architect logging within my application?

Unity 'GetAllInstances' not returning anything

How fast is class instantiation with methods, but no fields or properties?

Angular: lookup all providers implementing a specific interface