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Stuck on generics and interfaces. Need solution based on code, maybe redesign of interfaces

This is part of my code which I need help with:

// simple service locator
public class ServiceManager<TSvc> : IServiceManager<TSvc> where TSvc: class, IService
   private Dictionary<object, TSvc> services;

   public void RegisterService(TSvc service)
        // omitted code here
        this.services.Add(service.GetType(), service); // dictionary
    public T GetService<T>() where T : TSvc
        T result = default(T);

        TSvc bufResult = null;
        if (this.services.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out bufResult))
            result = (T)bufResult;

        return result;
    public TSvc GetService(Type serviceType)
        TSvc result = null;

        this.services.TryGetValue(serviceType, out result);

        return result;

Then my domain interfaces:

public interface IItem
   string Name { get; set; }
public interface IRepository<TModel> where TModel : IItem
    new IEnumerable<TModel> GetItems();
    void InsertItem(TModel item);
    void UpdateItem(TModel item);
    void DeleteItem(TModel item);
public interface IService<TModel> where TModel : IItem
    IRepository<TModel> Repository { get; }

Then some of my domain classes:

public class Book: IItem
    public string Name { get; set; }
public class BookRepo: IRepository<Book>
    new IEnumerable<Book> GetItems();
    void InsertItem(Book item);
    void UpdateItem(Book item);
    void DeleteItem(Book item);
public class BookService: IService<Book>
    IRepository<Book> IService<Book>.Repository { get { return this.Repository; } }
    BookRepo Repository { get; set;} 

Now, if I am interested to use 'BookService' and do something with it, I could get it from service locator like this:

public void DoSomething()
    var bookService = serviceManager.GetService<BookService>();
    bookService.Repository.Insert(new Book()); 

But the problem is that the type of the service is known only at runtime (eg. selection from combobox). So, how would DoSomething method look like?

public void DoSomething()
    var typeOfService = combobox.SelectedValue.GetType(); // cbx of services
    // ??? make use of serviceManager and typeOfService to get appropriate 'service'
    service.Repository.Insert(/*new IITem here*/);

Also, I would like to know how would you connect IService to IService<TModel>... it could even get to the solution, but I have no idea how. My IService interface is blank for the moment...

I would really appreciate your time. Please let me know if there is something unclear! Thank you!

Update: Based on your answers, I guess the reflection part could be involved (something like NSGaga pointed out), but still, without connecting IService and IService<TModel> I cannot achieve what I want. Who has any idea how to redesign this?

like image 455
Learner Avatar asked Oct 05 '22 10:10


1 Answers

Something like this should work (typing from my head, so you'd need to check the syntax details - but should give you the direction - or I'll add on later)

MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(ServiceManager).GetMethod("GetService");
MethodInfo methodInfoGeneric = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typeOfService });
methodInfoGeneric.Invoke(serviceManager, new object[] { });
like image 191
NSGaga-mostly-inactive Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10
