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Ping Tasks will not complete

I am working on a "heartbeat" application that pings hundreds of IP addresses every minute via a loop. The IP addresses are stored in a list of a class Machines. I have a loop that creates a Task<MachinePingResults> (where MachinePingResults is basically a Tuple of an IP and online status) for each IP and calls a ping function using System.Net.NetworkInformation.

The issue I'm having is that after hours (or days) of running, one of the loops of the main program fails to finish the Tasks which is leading to a memory leak. I cannot determine why my Tasks are not finishing (if I look in the Task list during runtime after a few days of running, there are hundreds of tasks that appear as "awaiting"). Most of the time all the tasks finish and are disposed; it is just randomly that they don't finish. For example, the past 24 hours had one issue at about 12 hours in with 148 awaiting tasks that never finished. Due to the nature of not being able to see why the Ping is hanging (since it's internal to .NET), I haven't been able to replicate the issue to debug.

(It appears that the Ping call in .NET can hang and the built-in timeout fail if there is a DNS issue, which is why I built an additional timeout in)

I have a way to cancel the main loop if the pings don't return within 15 seconds using Task.Delay and a CancellationToken. Then in each Ping function I have a Delay in case the Ping call itself hangs that forces the function to complete. Also note I am only pinging IPv4; there is no IPv6 or URL.

Main Loop

pingcancel = new CancellationTokenSource();

List<Task<MachinePingResults>> results = new List<Task<MachinePingResults>>();

    foreach (var m in localMachines.FindAll(m => !m.Online))
        results.Add(Task.Run(() =>
            PingMachine(m.ipAddress, 8000), pingcancel.Token

    await Task.WhenAny(Task.WhenAll(results.ToArray()), Task.Delay(15000));

catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); }
    results.Where(r => r.IsCompleted).ToList()
        .ForEach(r =>
        //modify the online machines);
        results.Where(r => r.IsCompleted).ToList().ForEach(r => r.Dispose());

The Ping Function

static async Task<MachinePingResults> PingMachine(string ipaddress, int timeout)
        using (Ping ping = new Ping())
            var reply = ping.SendPingAsync(ipaddress, timeout);

            await Task.WhenAny(Task.Delay(timeout), reply);

            if (reply.IsCompleted && reply.Result.Status == IPStatus.Success)
                return new MachinePingResults(ipaddress, true);
    catch (Exception ex)
        Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
    return new MachinePingResults(ipaddress, false);

With every Task having a Delay to let it continue if the Ping hangs, I don't know what would be the issue that is causing some of the Task<MachinePingResults> to never finish.

How can I ensure a Task using .NET Ping ends?

Using .NET 5.0 and the issues occurs on machines running windows 10 and windows server 2012

image of list of tasks awaiting in VS Tasks window

image of list of tasks awaiting in VS Tasks window

like image 837
davidsbro Avatar asked Nov 24 '21 13:11


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Check Inbound Rules and Outbound Rules. In the right pane, find the rules titled File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In). Right-click each rule and select Enable Rule. This may resolve the issue of the ping problem. 3. Check Default Gateway configurations Check the Default Gateway settings of the computer.

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However, we also need to set up error reporting which will occur whenever the server fails to respond to the ping request. When the ping command manages to get through and receives server reply, its errorlevel is set to 0 (which means successful completion). If not, the errorlevel will differ from 0.

1 Answers

There are quite a few gaps in the code posted, but I attempted to replicate and in doing so ended up refactoring a bit.

This version seems pretty robust, with the actual call to SendAsync wrapped in an adapter class.

I accept this doesn't necessarily answer the question directly, but in the absence of being able to replicate your problem exactly, offers an alternative way of structuring the code that may eliminate the problem.

    async Task Main()
        var masterCts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)); // 15s overall timeout
        var localMachines = new List<LocalMachine>
            new LocalMachine("", false), // Should be not known - TimedOut
            new LocalMachine("", false), // Should be not known - DestinationHostUnreachable (when timeout is 8000)
            new LocalMachine("www.dfdfsdfdfdsgrdf.cdcc", false), // Should be not known - status Unknown because of PingException
            new LocalMachine("", false) // Known - my local IP

        var results = new List<PingerResult>();

            // Create the "hot" tasks
            var tasks = localMachines.Where(m => !m.Online)
                                    .Select(m => new Pinger().SendPingAsync(m.HostOrAddress, 8000, masterCts.Token))

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
            results.AddRange(tasks.Select(t => t.Result));
            results.ForEach(r => localMachines.Single(m => m.HostOrAddress.Equals(r.HostOrAddress)).Online = r.Status == IPStatus.Success);

            results.Dump();  // For LINQPad
            localMachines.Dump(); // For LINQPad


    public class LocalMachine
        public LocalMachine(string hostOrAddress, bool online)
            HostOrAddress = hostOrAddress;
            Online = online;

        public string HostOrAddress { get; }

        public bool Online { get; set; }

    public class PingerResult
        public string HostOrAddress {get;set;}
        public IPStatus Status {get;set;}

    public class Pinger 
        public async Task<PingerResult> SendPingAsync(string hostOrAddress, int timeout, CancellationToken token)
            // Check if timeout has occurred

            IPStatus status = default;

                var reply = await SendPingInternal(hostOrAddress, timeout, token);
                status = reply.Status;
            catch (PingException)
                status = IPStatus.Unknown;
            return new PingerResult
                HostOrAddress = hostOrAddress,
                Status = status

        // Wrap the legacy EAP pattern offered by Ping.
        private Task<PingReply> SendPingInternal(string hostOrAddress, int timeout, CancellationToken cancelToken)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<PingReply>();

            if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                using (var ping = new Ping())
                    ping.PingCompleted += (object sender, PingCompletedEventArgs e) =>
                        if (!cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            if (e.Cancelled)
                            else if (e.Error != null)
                    cancelToken.Register(() => { tcs.TrySetCanceled(); });

                    ping.SendAsync(hostOrAddress, timeout, new object());

            return tcs.Task;


I've just noticed in the comments that you mention pinging "all 1391". At this point I would look to throttle the number of pings that are sent concurrently using a SemaphoreSlim. See this blog post (from a long time ago!) that outlines the approach: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/pfxteam/implementing-a-simple-foreachasync/

like image 101
Paul Suart Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Paul Suart