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New posts in service-locator

How to avoid service locator in .net extension methods

@EJB injection vs lookup - performance issue

Flutter Bloc state change is not updated UI with get_it

Service Locator: Get all exports

c# mef service-locator

PHPStorm, Silex DI indices code completion

StructureMap resolve dependency through injection instead of service location

Regarding Service Locator Pattern

Is it possible to implement dependency injection without using service locator at the start of an application?

Zend framework 2 : Service locator in view helper

What if Dependency Injection is not possible?

Using Ninject and binding a default implementation while avoiding the dreaded Service Locator anti-pattern

Dependency Injection, injecting an "injectable" object (service) into a newable (entity)

verifiying I understand the difference between IoC, Ioc Container, DI and service locator

Create an EF Core DbContext at runtime based on request parameters

MVC3, Ninject, MvcSiteMapProvider - How to inject dependency to overridden method

SPI + JDK 9 + module-info.java

How to declare the Unity InjectionFactory in XML configuration

Domain Driven Design: access a configured value from an Entity without using a Service Locator

Default values for constructor arguments in a library project

Service locator - worth it?