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Can't initialized GraphQl Client in flutter using Get_it

I want to implement GraphQL client in my flutter app. For Dependency injection, I use GetIt library. But when I run the app, it says

'Invalid argument (Object of type HomeGraphQLService is not registered inside GetIt. Did you forget to pass an instance name? (Did you accidentally do GetIt sl=GetIt.instance(); instead of GetIt sl=GetIt.instance;)): HomeGraphQLService'


It means GraphQL client did not instantiate somehow, although I registered it in my service locator


abstract class Session {
  String getAccessToken();


class SessionImpl extends Session {
  SharedPreferences sharedPref;

  SessionImpl(SharedPreferences sharedPref) {
    this.sharedPref = sharedPref;

  String getAccessToken() {
    return sharedPref.getString('access_token') ?? "";



class GraphQLClientGenerator {
  Session session;

  GraphQLClientGenerator(Session session) {
    this.session = session;

  GraphQLClient getClient() {
    final HttpLink httpLink = HttpLink('https://xxx/graphql');
    final AuthLink authLink = AuthLink(getToken: () async => 'Bearer ${_getAccessToken()}');
    final Link link = authLink.concat(httpLink);

    return GraphQLClient(link: link, cache: GraphQLCache(store: InMemoryStore()));

  String _getAccessToken() {
    return session.getAccessToken();


abstract class HomeRepository {
  Future<List<Course>> getAllCourseOf(String className, String groupName);


class HomeRepositoryImpl extends HomeRepository {

  HomeGraphQLService homeGraphQLService;
  HomeMapper homeMapper;

  HomeRepositoryImpl(HomeGraphQLService homeGraphQLService, HomeMapper homeMapper) {
    this.homeGraphQLService = homeGraphQLService;
    this.homeMapper = homeMapper;

  Future<List<Course>> getAllCourseOf(String className, String groupName) async {
    final response = await homeGraphQLService.getAllCourseOf(className, groupName);
    return homeMapper.toCourses(response).where((course) => course.isAvailable);



class HomeGraphQLService {
  GraphQLClient graphQLClient;

  HomeGraphQLService(GraphQLClient graphQLClient) {
    this.graphQLClient = graphQLClient;

  Future<SubjectResponse> getAllCourseOf(String className, String groupName) async {
    try {
      final response = await graphQLClient.query(getAllCourseQuery(className, groupName));
      return SubjectResponse.fromJson((response.data));
    }  catch (e) {
      return Future.error(e);


QueryOptions getAllCourseQuery(String className, String groupName) {
  String query = """
    query GetSubject($className: String, $groupName: String) {
      subjects(class: $className, group: $groupName) {
        insights {

  return QueryOptions(
    document: gql(query),
    variables: <String, dynamic>{
      'className': className,
      'groupName': groupName,


final serviceLocator = GetIt.instance;

Future<void> initDependencies() async {
  await _initSharedPref();

Future<void> _initSharedPref() async {
  SharedPreferences sharedPref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();

void _initSession() {

void _initGraphQLClient() {
  serviceLocator.registerLazySingleton<GraphQLClient>(() => GraphQLClientGenerator(serviceLocator()).getClient());

void _initGraphQLService() {
  serviceLocator.registerLazySingleton<HomeGraphQLService>(() => HomeGraphQLService(serviceLocator()));

void _initMapper() {
  serviceLocator.registerLazySingleton<HomeMapper>(() => HomeMapper());

void _initRepository() {
  serviceLocator.registerLazySingleton<HomeRepository>(() => HomeRepositoryImpl(serviceLocator(), serviceLocator()));


Future<void> main() async {

    [DeviceOrientation.portraitUp, DeviceOrientation.portraitDown],
  await initDependencies();

like image 863
Aminul Haque Aome Avatar asked Jun 25 '21 04:06

Aminul Haque Aome

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1 Answers

I cannot say where exactly it is happening because it is elsewhere in your code where you are accessing the GraphQLService, but the problem is definitely due to the lazy loading. The object has not been created and loaded by the locator before it is being accessed. Try updating ServiceLocator.dart to instantiate the classes during registration, like so:

void _initSession() {

void _initGraphQLClient() {

void _initGraphQLService() {

void _initMapper() {

void _initRepository() {
    HomeRepositoryImpl(serviceLocator(), serviceLocator()));
like image 154
Lee3 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10
